Review: The Last Star by Rick Yancey

Hello, bloggers and readers!

I finished reading The Last Star two days ago. This book is the third and finally book in The 5th Wave trilogy. If you don’t know what The 5th Wave is about, here is the Goodreads page. There is also a movie adapted from the first book. I saw it and liked it pretty well. I felt the movie left out a lot of the humor and intrigue/mystery, which were two of the aspects I loved most about the book. However, I liked the casting (Hello Evan Walker, you sexy thing) and they didn’t Β deviate from the storyline too excessively. But I’m getting off track, cause this wasn’t meant to be a movie review. But now it kind of is πŸ˜‚ Oh well.

So, my point up there was supposed to be that I absolutely loved the first book in this trilogy, and that the second book was just okay. I’ve got to hand it to these books though, because they’ll keep you guessing about what you believe up until the last page. Since I didn’t love the second book and the plot twists it took, I wasn’t sure how I would feel about this final installment. I was worried the ending would be rushed or wouldn’t offer me closure. The book also isn’t very long, which had me even more worried. However, I’ve gotta tell you guys, I loved the whole book.

The humor was back in full force. I adore how the characters are able to keep some sarcasm and sense of irony even during an alien invasion. I think that’s how we all hope to handle ourselves in a crazy situation like that, of the supernatural variety or something more mundane, and I think that makes the characters so relatable. And that’s really the theme of this book, this whole trilogy. Holding on to what makes you human against all odds. Because a lot of crap gets in the way of us being decent to one another, but at the end of the day, we’re all capable of so much love. And love is something that can change you at your core. It can change your entire perspective and make you see the world in new ways. And it can give you so much courage. It is humanity.

I don’t want to go into spoilers, but I’ll tell you guys I laughed and I cried reading this book. I cheered when the good guys had every small victory. Because being inside the perspective of so many characters (a common theme in this trilogy is to switch POV) made me fall in love with all of them and care about them so much. I also felt my heart hurting when a couple more minor characters died (yes, I’ll ruin that for you).

This book does move at a fast pace, so some people might feel that the ending was rushed. However, I didn’t feel that way since the whole trilogy moves at a fast pace and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Although I wasn’t a huge fan of the major twist in the second book, the way it played out in this book made me see why it had to be that way.

The last few pages gave my heart so much closure and left me feeling so bittersweet. I was sad to see this story end. But I think that it had to end the way it did and I can accept that. After turning the last page, I smiled through my tears.

Overall, I give this book 5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

It got me out of a reading slump, had me reading it every chance I could get, and I kept thinking about it afterward. Any book I can’t get out of my head is a winner. I feel really satisfied with the end of this story and it makes me happy I can recommend the trilogy in good conscience! πŸ˜‰

Cheers, all! β˜•οΈ

11 thoughts on “Review: The Last Star by Rick Yancey

  1. I must read this book! It sounds terrific, especially if it had the power to get you out of that horrible experience called as a reading slump. Yay for good books!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahah, I just stumbled across an Instagram post by a user who is currently in a reading slump. I immediately thought of this post, and let them know what you had said xD

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  2. I really loved the first two books but somehow still haven’t gotten around to reading the last one (maybe I just don’t want it to end). But I’m even more excited now after I read your review.
    Well, I’ll read it some time…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know how you feel! I didn’t want it to end either, plus, never-ending tbr πŸ˜‰ But I hope you love it when you read it! If you loved the other books I’m sure you will. Have a few tissues handy!

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